Osman Kucuk is an expert on dementia in the field of neuropsychology with their non-pharmacological approach to dementia care. Author of many brochures and two books on dementia for GPs and nurses, as well as Guidelines „Dementia in the time of Covid-19 pandemic“(2020.) Coauthor of the transnational guidelines to dementia „Interprofessional Management of Dementia“ used for INDEED Online Education Platform funded by EU INTERREG and translated into five languages. President of the Organizing Committee of iCoDem – International Congress of Dementia, the most important Congress of Dementia in the region of the Western Balkan, member of programs and scientific committees, and active participant in regional and international scientific meetings regarding dementia. Organizer of the two high-level meetings(2018., 2020.) regarding dementia, national dementia strategies, and regional cooperation in the dementia field.